How Can We Evolve Further? “Ultimate Evolution” Possible? Have Humans Evolved Enough(100%)?

Before understanding ‘How can we evolve further?’ First of all the question that arises is that ‘Can we even evolve further?’.
The answer is ‘YES’ we can evolve further and I would even go to the extent to say that “Our current state of evolution is just a tip of an iceberg’. But before understanding ‘how can we evolve further’ we need to understand our current state of evolution as that is the first step in evolving further.

Where do we Stand now in our journey of evolution?

The answer is that – in our current evolutionary state we are not standing but we are stuck. Optimistically saying We are stuck at the threshold of our evolution. It means if we break this threshold then we might accelerate our evolution beyond our imagination. But again for that we need to understand why are we stuck. The answer is because

We can explicitly understand from “Darwin’s Theory Of Evolution” that organisms evolve because of their relentless urge for physical survival by trying to adapt to their changing environment.  But humans have progressed so much that physical survival is not much of a big deal for most of them. And instead they are obsessed with “social survival”. Also we do have developed human abilities like higher intelligence and higher consciousness but we have not been able to tame our monkey instincts. All these happens because their ‘mind’ and ‘self’ are developed in such a way.

So what are these monkey instincts?

Monkey instincts are nothing but those impulses generated within us which constantly drive us to seek and experience cheap pleasure. Such pleasure can be in the form of food, sex, over sleep, unnecessary thinking, consuming content etc. which gives us immediate short term pleasure.How Can We Evolve Further

These impulses peak when we indulge in any activity which is good for our personal development but causes pain to us. Thus our monkey instincts prevent us from evolving further. In order to evolve further first of all we need to tame our monkey instincts with our human abilities.

How can we Evolve further? & How can human abilities help in further evolution?

Human abilities are those that are unique to humans like higher consciousness and higher intelligence. Both of them together give us unique qualities like compassion, emotional intelligence, curiosity etc.
But when monkey instincts overpower these abilities it gives us unique problems like psychological suffering, emotional breakdowns which are detrimental to our evolution.
Now to tame our monkey instincts we need to keep enduring the pain that is caused by our resistance to its impulses. And to keep enduring the pain we need to use our ability to reason, emotional intelligence and our spiritual quest to break that threshold and be limitless.

For Example: Its like you are meditating under a waterfall, the water is crushing you, but still you refuse to move. You keep reminding yourself of your purpose and keep bringing your focus back on your task until the monkey inside you tires out.

Again as animals evolve by their urge for physical survival, humans evolve by their relentless urge to be free from their bodily bindings, which blur their ability to reason and confuse them to think ‘How can we evolve further’.


Don’t worry if you didn’t understand some of the words. In my upcoming blogs I would be talking a lot more about human development, self improvement, personality development, spirituality etc.
Here at this platform, I try to give you deeper insights about reality intended towards helping you find meaning in your life. As I truly believe that:

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