How Can We Become Consistent? Unleash the Flow in 9 ways!

Before knowing “How can we become consistent” we need to understand that why are we inconsistent at first place. What are the causes of inconsistency which make us default on our commitment to do something consistently.

Unraveling Consistency:

Causes Of Inconsistency:

  1. Procrastination: It is the act of delaying your work. That “I will do it later” or ” I will be consistent from tomorrow” kind of behavior. For better understanding and solutions to procrastination – stay tuned I will write on it very soon.
  2. Distractions :  Distractions due to your phone or your thoughts and the pursuit of those distractions lead to shortening of attention span. Also pursuit of distractions lead to more distractive thoughts – thus adding fuel to the fire.
  3. Shortening of Attention Span: Average human attention span today is just 8 seconds! And if you are highly inconsistent yours is even lesser. This severely affects your efficiency to perform your tasks. And poor performance in completing tasks leads to frustration and demotivation affecting your self confidence. This induces fear of failure and make you dislike your work – thus drastically reducing your chances of sticking to your work in the upcoming days.
  4. Weak Moral Principles: It means that your personal principles through which you live your life like “Self Discipline”, “Respect towards Work”, “Unshakable Faith in process” etc. are either missing or are too weak for you to be consistent.
How Can We Become Consistent
How Can We Become Consistent


Solutions – This is how you become consistent:

1) Take Pragmatic Decisions:

If some external support is available which can induce discipline and sincerity into you then go for it. It can be joining a gym or any other self improvement institution(but it should be an effective one, don’t just join any random one) or getting a job or finding a teacher or a reliable friend who can teach you, train you and hold you accountable.

2) Have a Broader Purpose in your Life:

Have Empathy. Try to help others with whatever you can. Whatever you learn try to connect it with greater good of all. This will help you find a purpose. Try to make a rough roadmap of what you would like to do to help society become a better place for all.

3) Make A Schedule:

Make a schedule of your daily tasks; Track your time; Weed out all unnecessary activities that are eating your precious time.

For more you can refer this –  How to Work for Long Hours? 

4) Include productive tasks:

Like meditation, yoga. BRAIN GYM EXERCISES. These exercises keep both parts of your brain active. Doing them each for 2 minutes during breaks can improve concentration and focus.

5) Know your Limits:

Once you have made a plan of how much work you need to do. Try to experiment and check how much work you are able to do in a certain time period. Be honest with yourself and try to improve gradually everyday.

6) Developing Growth Mindset:

Learn from your mistakes and keep trying to get better instead of getting discouraged and frustrated. Learn to be happy with your process. Give your best efforts and be happy whatever improvement you have achieved. How you become consistent depends a lot on what mindset you cultivate and apply.

7) Dealing with Fear of Failure:

Accept the worst situations in your mind and heart that are getting in your way of Self Improvement. Take criticism positively and don’t get affected by it. Be humble. Keep your head down and do your work.

8) Fix Your Accountability:

If you consistently fail to do tasks that were well within your capacity then hold yourself accountable. Impose some penance upon yourself by reducing rewards that you are giving yourself or take help from a reliable person who can hold you accountable.

Remember clear goals and accountability is what you need the most. You need to clear and serious about your goals, you need to make sure that you are not lying to yourself about your goals and need to set your accountability for failing to achieve those true goals. That’s how you become consistent.

9) Finally Be Like River, Be flexible and keep going:

A river no matter what obstacles come in its way it flexibly adapts to the situation and keeps on flowing through the obstacles without any complaining or complacency. This is how you be consistent – when you develop a mindset of just keep moving ahead no matter what, even if you are in situations which hinder your progress you keep making whatever progress you can. Have Faith in process that just as a river after facing so many obstacles finally reaches the ocean you will also achieve your goals.

That’s all for this article. I will keep adding to this. You can comment if you didn’t understand anything or if you have any problems on which you want me to write on. You can also do it by connecting with me on following social media.








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