
Philosophy of Enduring Monkey:

Enduring Monkey represents an intermediary state, a state of enormous pain, a state of war by you for you and against you.

It is a state of struggle between the state of being conquered by your animal impulses and the state of conquering your animal impulses. When you are completely down and out with no control over your life, where your senses make you do whatever gratifies them, that is your basic animal state. And when you have complete control over our life, where we make our senses do whatever gratifies our soul, that is the state of Enlightenment(a state free from suffering).

Most of us would lie in the intermediary state. A state where we time and again keep making efforts to take back the control of our lives for whatever reasons.

A state where we keep feeling empty and unfulfilled from deep within and keep thinking about of finding that which would complete us, free us. All of us are enduring monkeys.

We feel pain, we want to be free from pain, we are confused that to be free from whether we should avoid it or face it. We either only know the direction or both direction and the path. If we know both then either we are afraid to walk the path or we face difficulties moving ahead on that path. We all are Enduring Monkeys. This is our journey.


To make people understand their destination, direction and path. To make people able to keep moving ahead on their path no matter what adversities they face and no matter how much pain comes. After all this is a journey where if you can keep going you are sure to reach the destination.

To make the human society in general become able to provide for the all round development of individuals.

And all this shall be done by Science and Philosophy. As well as all other knowledge, examples, stories and practices which can help you boost your journey.


To make sure that knowledge, knowledge that empowers us, knowledge that enlightens us, reaches to all. To provide such knowledge in such a way that it triggers relevant discussions in the society regarding the root causes of human problems.

As I truly believe that just like better circulation of money leads to growth of an economy similarly better circulation of knowledge leads to growth of a society in such a way that society becomes able to provide for the overall development of individuals i.e. physical, intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual. And thus aid them to boost their journey towards enlightenment.